Thursday, October 22, 2015

A Couple Things Every Girl Should Know

There are things that every girl should know in their lives. As humans everyone gets so insecure with themselves that nothing will help that. Girls as well as men should hear everyday how amazing or wonderful they are. Somethings getting heard that they are beautiful is not always helpful, but it does bring our self-esteem up a little bit.
Here are a few things that should help every girl feel good about herself.
1. You are Beautiful
Please never forget this, because no matter what you are truly beautiful.
2. You are Unique
There is no one like one, nor will there ever be anyone like you. You are yourself and wonderfully made and specifically made to be just yourself, embrace it.
3. Be Confident
No one can tear you down unless you let them. If you ignore the haters they won't get to you, as girls we are so insecure but once we embrace our flaws nothing will tear us down just build us up.
4. You are Wonderfully Made
God made you with his own hands out of his own image and he thinks of you as something beautiful so start believing in that as well. You are wonderfully made by something awesome.
5. You are Perfect
Yeah you may have flaws but besides that you are perfect, and someone out there agrees with me. Just accept your flaws and agree that you are perfect.
6. You are Loved
I know this is something a lot of people have trouble hearing, but it is true. You are loved, you are loved by your parents, your family, your teachers, your co-workers, your friends, you are loved. If by the end of the day you still don't think you are loved look to the sky and towards the Heavens and think of this amazing person, God, and know he truly loves you.
7. You are more than Your Flaws
Everyone has flaws, and imperfections that they don't like about themselves. Everything that you hate someone else may love, and all those "flaws" make you who you are. Don't forget that, just embrace it and love your flaws because once you embrace it, it will become your strength.
8. Accept your Mistakes
Mistakes make us human, you are above the mistakes. Mistakes happen they are in the past you can't change it but just accept it and move on. I focus on the mistakes but you shouldn't just realize what happened, understand it and go on.
9. Breathe
This is not necessarily for just girls but for everyone. Breathe, we get so wrapped up we forget to slow down, calm down, enjoy the view and breathe. Just do it. Who cares who's watching breathe.
10. Don't wear make up.
It's okay if you love make up no one is judging you, in fact I congratulate you! I can hardly wake up an hour before class every day to wear make up so congrats, but sometimes it's okay to take it off and show your natural beautiful face. Don't feel judged remember number 1? You're beautiful.
11. Dance!
Please don't be afraid to dance, like ever. I have a problem with this one because I am so insecure that I don't want to dance I don't want people to watch me. But who cares? If you are with your friends or people you trust or even by yourself, don't be ashamed to put music on, or not, and do a dance. In the end it will make you feel good and that's all that matters.
12. You are more than beautiful.
I know many times we want to be called beautiful, because it is much more meaningful than pretty. Don't just stop there, don't let someone compliment you just your face. Let someone call you passionate, or exhilarating, something besides just beautiful. Let them, have them, compliment you on more than just your beauty.
13. It's okay to not be "talented"
Just like dancing it's okay not to be great at. If you love to write, or dance, or sing, or be creative then do it! Who cares if someone can do it better than you, that's them. They are enjoying something they love so you should also! Talent is overrated singing off key or dancing crazy in public is much more awesome.
14. It's okay to be crazy!
Be wild, be crazy. You're only your age once, so live it up. Don't rush to be an adult and have responsibilities just wait and soak up as much craziness as you can. Be loud, outgoing and just have fun. Dye your hair if you want, to purple or to blonde, or to blue. It's okay being crazy because you can be!
15. Dressing like a slob is okay!
If you feel like wearing sweats and a hoodie or big shirt, do it! Do it! You don't always have to wear cute clothes, it's alright to feel comfortable every now and then.
This is your life and nobody can tell you what to do unless you let them. Do what you want and live how you want. Be spontaneous, be cool, be fun, be adventurous, be crazy, be weird, be you!
"Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you."

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