Tuesday, October 6, 2015

When did Skinny become fashionable?

Dear, Girls, or perhaps even guys,
I saw this post on tumblr that had a billboard that asked the question: "When did skinny become fashionable?"
It made me think. When did the idea that if you are skinny you are in fashion? I am not degrading people who are skinny, I know that skinny is an awesome feeling because you worked hard to get there or you just have metabolism so nothing it wrong with being skinny. But to me, there is a problem with being too skinny, the people who are not comfortable with their own body so they refuse to eat and so they eat and throw it up or they don't eat at all and they are as skinny as their bones because that's all that is consuming them now, not much skin there anymore. That is what I'm talking about, when did that become fashionable? When did we, as a society, say "Girls if you look like that, then you are beautiful and guys will like you." When did that happen?
I currently am a freshman in College and have you ever heard the saying "College 15?" Yeah I have. And to be honest, I am terrified. I am scared that I will eat to much that I will not recognize my body, so I hardly eat. It's hard because I stock up on food every month and just see the delicious food staring at me but instead of eating I will do other things- some good, some bad; for example, I will watch netflix (that has consumed my life), or I will do homework, or I will take a walk around campus. Sometimes though I do cave in, but I now understand that's good. Not necessarily as many times a day as I want, but it is okay to eat that second cookies sometimes or eat the ice cream. It is okay.
Fashion is not skinny but rather what you make of it. Earlier this month my friend and I went to the mall to go get a dress for a meeting. My friend is a couple sizes smaller than me so when we tried clothes on it was hard for me to be happy with what I was wearing because like most girls, "It didn't fit my curves", or "I look fat", or the popular one for me, "My boobs look to big in it". When we went to the meeting later on that day, I wore that dress. The other girls at the meeting looked at me and said "That dress is so cute on you", and other compliments as well. They didn't notice that my curves didn't look good in the dress, or the fact that my boobs looked huge in it compared to other dresses, they saw me and a dress. They saw a girl who is trying to fit societies idea of fashion and to them I looked pretty and I felt it because I was dressed up like I was suppose to be and I was curved and all.
To whoever is reading this; skinny, curvy or not- you are beautiful. You are the way God wanted you to be, if you want to be skinner then there are gyms everywhere but if you like what you see (which you should and it's hard but just try) then embrace everything about yourself. If you are shopping and you find yourself looking at a shirt, dress, or pants or any other item that looks appealing to you get it! Who cares if it's not a size S or M you find it awesome and that's what the makers want you to think because they thought it was awesome too. I have trouble with that, I see outfits and think "No it would be better on a girl smaller." You are the girl, or guy, smaller. You can fit in it just as much as I can and the difference between the smaller people and you… is confidence. Be proud of your weight and that you are embracing it with an awesome fashion sense and you don't care who is watching. One of my favorite quotes it "Every day is a fashion show, and the world is your runway." I for one will start to embrace my body, slowly of course, and I will try to become confident because fashion is my way of speaking sometimes and I want people to know I am confident and I have a good sense of style in whatever I am wearing.
"People will stare. Make it worth their while." -Harry Winston
"Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak."- Rachel Zoe

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