Saturday, December 26, 2015

All the Single Ladies, All the Single Ladies

Being single, is okay it is not the end of the world!
Please don't think of yourselves as ugly, pathetic or desperate. Sometimes all we want is to find someone who is serious and start a family. At least that's what I want.
Earlier this month I went home for our annual pumpkin painting party. While I was there we all talked about how the little ones are growing up quickly and how my brother and I are also. Then came the part on how once the little ones hit double digits I will start to find someone, get married and start having babies of my own. Then my aunt said "you need to get married so I can go to a dance."
Crazy right? I'm only 18 and they are talking about marriage and kids, ALREADY! I told my friends about this conversation and my answer back was "well, I'm trying, but I'm a potato."
(Can we just take a minute to say that that is my favorite line ever, I even have my friends saying it too now.)
Anyways my whole life I imagined how in College I would find the perfect guy for me who would help complete me. Turns out I was wrong, I went to church earlier this month and heard the Pastor talk about how so often we seek for people who will complete us when we just need someone to help us. We should not ask to be completed by someone, because God will complete us. Instead we should ask God for someone who will help us.
Many times this semester I have heard my friends talk about which guy they are with now, and that they are too cool because they have a lot of guys fawning over them. Meanwhile I am sitting and just eating my pizza, and have plenty of times been mad at them bragging over their guys. I have come to terms that I shouldn't. Why should I be sad and wanting a boyfriend when all of my friends have these guys and all they do is hurt them, or in turn get hurt themselves. What good is that? Instead I should focus on myself, I should focus on letting God complete me to where when I am ready for a relationship God will finally send him my way.
I have always been about 8-10 years younger than my cousins, and one of them had a child at about 19-20 but his older brother has yet to have a child. My aunts have plenty of times told him he needs to settle down. Plenty of times. I have just been told that once, and I freaked out. I am only 18 and they are telling me that I need to get married and start my family, like now. Earlier this month my friend,K, and I went to eat with her friend from home. Her friend was a wife, and mother, as well as expecting and she was successful and looked like she had her life together. She's about 10 years older than me, the same age as my cousin. 10 years older, yet my family is wanting me to start now.
Sure I got mad at my family for expecting that of me, because I have been trying my hardest these past months in College but then I realized that when both, me and my future husband are ready we will meet one another. I saw someone write a post saying that we younger people need to pray for our future husbands and kids every once in a while. So while my friends are "living in the moment" and testing guy after guy I will continue to be the little flower I am and watch movies and eat pizza, while I pray for my future husband to not be doing what my friends are doing and hopefully for us to have some beautiful and amazing children. I will pray that he is also praying for me, and that one day we will both have our lives together and that by that time we will meet one another, and instead of completing one another we will instead help one another in spreading the word of God as well as helping each other will our everyday lives.
If you happen to be single and you are about 16-24, it is totally okay. K is 21 and she does not have a boyfriend, I mean she does have a guy at home who I am sure they will get married (of course that's a different matter) but she's not stressing. Her mother is pressuring her to find a soulmate because she's 21 but she's not. Why? Perhaps because all the guys here are immature, or are just wanting one thing, sex. Now if those guys are wanting that they they can go elsewhere, because I know a lot of girls who are wiling to do that, but my friend and I are not. Perhaps that is why we are both single, but I believe that if a guy and I are destined to be together, he won't want that, and also God will have me be ready for him and that won't be necessary until our Married days. So if you are single don't worry, because you have your priorities straight and you should focus on yourself and your goals before you think about dating anyone anyways. So to child of God that wishes and hopes that the guy in your class takes another glance at you, remember it's okay not to have a guy. It's okay to focus on your self and for the time being be without a guy.
"Imagine a man so focused on God that the only reason he looked up to see you is because he heard God say… "There she is"…"
"You are a daughter of the KING. You are worth more than you know. A man is going to give you the world, please don't settle for less." 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Dream ~BIG~LITTLE~ One

In my earlier post about initiation I realized I mentioned, my big, twiddle and littles and I totally forgot to put a post about big/little reveal.
[Us waiting to go inside the building.]
What is big/little reveal exactly? Well at the beginning of the year we wrote who we wanted to be our big and then once that decision was made we have a whole week of our bigs kind of spoiling us. Now what is a big, you ask. A big is an older member of the sorority who takes you under her wing and is your helper and someone who can just be there for you anytime of the day.
(In order from left to right; Me, D, K.V, A., and K.N.)
The night after meeting our bigs gave us our favorite snack. The night before the meeting one of the girls asked me my favorite snacks. Nothing could come to mind so I was thinking and asked my best friend from home, as well as my mom. Of course they came in clutch. I only told her I liked paydays, and chex mix, when I opened the bag I found sprite and Hershey's drops. My big knew me so well without me having to tell her, SCORE!
So the first day my big gave me our letters, she painted them in pink and gold with flowers, and I think this is my favorite gift she gave me. I could tell she worked really hard on it. I absolutely love them!
The second day she gave me our creed. During this time most of us littles try and figure out bigs out so we can know who they are and spend time with them earlier than the big/little reveal day. Our bigs know this and the whole week I tried to compare my bigs handwriting with others seeing if anyones matched as well as if any of the older members wrote me anything to compare their handwriting also.
The third day my big gave me a bunch of pink things. A pink spiral, a pink pencil, a pink flashlight, pink gum, pink Chapstick, pink notecards, pink socks, pink fake flowers, pink starbursts, a pink L, pink hang pins, pink fluffy balls, and pink glitter. I commented "How could I use this?" referring to the glitter when one of the girls stated "You could use that as fairy dust!" and I said "I could be Tinker Bell with these fluffy balls also!" This was the last day before our official meeting of big little.
Since this was the last day before knowing who are big was everyone kept asking one another who do you think your big is?
I'll tell you my thought process. I thought my big was G because her best friend is the one that asked me what my favorite snack was. Then every time we did something at the sorority she would either  talk to me or stare, and not in the rude sense. But I also thought it was M because the first letter my big wrote me was "I loved you since day 1." M interviewed me throughout rush week so I thought perhaps she was my big. Then I also thought it was B, the girl who asked me my favorite snack, because my friend G.D got the same flashlight as me, just orange. Also that night G texted me asking my favorite disney movie, or favorite tv show. I thought it was ironic because G was there when I said I could be tinker bell and my big knew my love for disney. That is partially why I thought she was my big. So that's what I told people. I didn't know who exactly would be my big tell the next day.
(K and I)
It was finally the next day. It was the day we got to find out who are big was. We had a meeting before that, just the new members did it. Once the meeting was over we would then finish and have enough time to get ready to where we can look cute for pictures. Once it was 30 minutes to the reveal we all pilled in A's car and drove to the building. It had to be planned out very strategically so none of us could know who our big is. This was the last day for presents, so presents were lined up all over the room. Just my luck, I was first. In my basket my big had made me canvas' which made me really happy because I LOVE canvas' and my dorm needs a little decorating. The first Canvas is Dream Big Little 1. the second is our sorority with an infinite sign saying big little on either side. Then the second and third Canvas are my favorite. The third one says "Darling it's Better Wearing These Letters." And it has some fish on it, I didn't tell her my favorite movie was Little Mermaid but yet she made it. It made me really happy that she made it. The fourth one, and my all time favorite; says Once Upon a Time. It is colored really pretty brown with goldfish colors. My favorite tv show is Once Upon A Time with all the fairy tale characters. I am so in love with this one, she told me she did it the night before. It looks so awesome that it was planned way before. The next thing she gave me is a blackboard with ladybugs all over it. Also she gave me a cup that is big enough that cereal can fit as well as a drinking bowl. She also gave me a mason jar cup with skittles filled into it. Also some lotion, a picture frame that our picture is suppose to go into. A tiny Lion, because that is my favorite animal some fuzzy socks, and a pearl necklace with a flower headband. Also some fake flowers and an L Canvas letter with flower fabric onto. Lastly our big/little shirts were in the bowl cup and it is pink with little on the side and angel wings on the back.
(The front of the shirt.)
(The back of the shirt.)
Then once everyone opened their presents from their big it was time to find out who are bigs were. We had to go out into the next room while all the bigs were figuring out what to do. My big, whoever she is, asked me the night before what my favorite song is. I said fight song. That's how we had to find our big, we walked outside and there were a bunch of cars everywhere music being blasted from all different directions and you had to listen for the song your big was playing. Before we went out we had a piece of paper that was the lyrics for the song she played for us. It was finally my turn, and I walked out and was listening for Fight Song. Then I heard it, I ran as fast as I could to the car and in the drivers side is G. My BIG! If you guessed her, then you guessed right! It was G. We hugged and went back inside and took a bunch of pictures!
(My big and I)
Now for family terms. I have a big, G, she has a twiddle K (kind of like a twin but we say twiddle), her twiddle has twiddles D, and A. I have a G-Big C., and we have somewhat of a lot of cousins but our family is the middle size family. There is one family that makes up majority of the sorority.
(From left to right: [light purple] K, B, L. [dark purple] B, A, G, F, [dark purple] K, A, D, C, [pink] G.)
What was funny is when my big texted me the night before asking all of my favorite things I said "you're welcome big" and she had told me that she wasn't. After I found out she was she told me how nervous she was and she was freaking out panicking because I called her big already. She still tells me that story and every time I laugh. I already love my family and I can't wait to grow with these girls and I defiantly can't wait until I'm a big and will impact someone's life like mine has to me.
"Your vibe attracts your tribe." 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


So at the beginning of this month I finally got initiated in the sorority. Crazy right? I think so too! The one thing I absolutely love about my sorority is our photogenic selves. Once everything was said and done we obviously had to take pictures! Family pictures, pictures to signify the day, and everything in-between! Now if you know me, I LOVE PICTURES! Last year for Senior English our project every six weeks was to make 6 scrapbook pages over what happened in those 6 weeks. Easiest thing for me because I was always taking pictures, even at the smallest of things. My two best friends in the sorority, A and K.N have found out just how much I love pictures really early in the semester.
Neither one of them prefer pictures but they suck it up to make me happy and will take pictures with me anyways. A had work though, and she was my ride home. What happened? The whole time my big wanted family pictures with her twiddle and her twiddles littles as well as me. I had to wait for all of them, so while I was I took many random pictures with everyone. I remember A kept coming in the building to get me and every time I was in a different place, with a different person taking pictures. I could tell she was getting mad and I said "okay hold on let me get my stuff."
At that time K.V approached me saying "Why is she wanting you to leave now?" And I said how she had work and K.V said "oh I can take you home". Problem solved which meant more time for me to take pictures, so I ran out of the building to get my stuff from A's car and while doing that I said "Hold on don't take anymore pictures. I am so in love with all these pictures, DON'T JUDGE ME AND MY PHOTOGENIC SELF." After that I got a bunch of laughs and then once back in the building everyone said "oh there you are" like they didn't hear me scream to wait. All in all that day was extremely fun and I love taking many pictures with my amazing, and official, sisters.
(The day we got our certificates)
"Give a girl the right pair of shoes, and she can conquer the world. Give a girl a bid, and she will not have to do it alone."