Monday, February 1, 2016

What did you say?

Annyeonghasaeyo. Can you understand what I just said? Should I repeat it? Annyeonghasaeyo. It means Hello, in Korean. Did I forget to mention I'm Korean? Well I am. For the past month I have been thinking of what to write about I mean the first post of the year should be good, right? I agree.
I thought, should I post about New Years? No. Should I post about Resolutions? No. Should I write about starting second semester? No. Nothing big or awesome happened, besides turning 19. Now I finally know what I want to write about.
I am a year older, a year wiser, and just the same childish and stubborn girl I always have been. I have changed and not on the outside where people can place the point in which I have changed. No I have changed on the inside. I've grown over this semester in college, I somewhat know what I want to be when I grow up. (If I grow up, I still love Disney so I don't think that will happen.) My hopes for myself have changed into things realistically and not realistic to other people. I believe and hope so much for myself that I know with hard work and effort it will come true. My inspiration has changed and grown stronger. My spirit and soul have grown wiser and helped me to understand things clearly and better. My ambition has also changed and has grown stronger.
By that I mean I have wanted to some things in my life and have pushed it off and pushed it off but now I am starting to slowly do those things. Since I was younger I always wished my grandmother just talked in Korean to me and taught me how to speak that language. I remember asking her to make the Alphabet and teach me words but she always said "No." Before I got let out for Christmas break I had applied to a Study Abroad Program my school offered. My counselor told me that I shouldn't hope to high because I was a week late and I was a freshman. I agreed. This week I got the email saying that I did not get in, I wasn't sad because I already knew. That only gave me motivation to try harder for next years application. On the application it asked if I learned any Korean and how. The answer was some Korean and by my grandmother. That is not the case anymore. My aunt started watching Korean Tv Shows on Netflix and has my mother and I hooked.
Last night my friend and I went to go eat and as I was sitting down I heard people around me speaking. In my head I thought they were speaking in Korean and had to affirm it with my friend which she told me no I was going crazy. I told my mom and she asked if I could understand them which would be good considering that meant I was learning, but I could not understand all. It seemed they were speaking the harder words that I do not yet know. Last night after that incident I decided that I wanted to really start learning Korean. So I went on google looking through so many cites and so many pictures and slowly am now teaching myself Korean.
Today after class I finished all my homework and decided I should write down what I learned. I grabbed paper and a pencil and started to write down the Alphabet, numbers and words. When it came to words I would write how to spell it then I would try and write it in Korean and then write it in Korean and figure out how to spell it out. I can proudly say that I am slowly but surely getting the hang of it and learning Korean. I can't wait to go home and speak to my grandmother and surprise her with what I have taught myself. I am very proud of myself and I hope that this inspiration and motivation keeps up throughout this year and my life. I hope to become ambitious and do things that I never thought of doing that inspires me and makes me better.
"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."


So as most of you know I GRADUATED! And it was honestly the best feeling in the world, but what I didn't realize was I never wrote about it! I went from senior year straight to college years and totally forgot about the BIGGEST and BEST transition between them; graduation.
If you have/have not been to a graduation that is perhaps good and bad. Why bad, you may ask? Well personally I graduated with a class of over 500 so the ceremony did take a while but the good thing about it is seeing everyone's accomplishments.
For High Schoolers, at least for me, Graduation was more than just a diploma and the ritual cap and gown. It was more than becoming an official adult and looked forward to college and leave high school behind. Graduating was an accomplishments. It made me realize I went to school for 13+ years and I worked my butt off, perhaps sometimes I could have worked harder, but regardless I worked my butt off. 
Freshman year I didn't give a care in the world because I was in high school and eventually I would get my diploma and go to college regardless of what I get. By junior and senior year I realized in order to get into schools I wanted I changed my life I worked extra hard and I realized I wanted to go to this specific school and despite what I did freshman year I will show them how big of a change I can make. So I did I got my life together and made A's and B's (with some occasional C'a but sometimes that's okay). 
Graduation was my pride and joy because I finally accomplished so many years of school. Sure there were times I wanted to quit and just drop out but that's not who I am. I stuck it out and being able to walk the stage was the best feeling ever! 
So here was how my graduation went:
Well that morning I went with my mother and one of my aunts to go get our nails done before the ceremony. After that I went home to put some make up on and do my hair. Next was time to put on my dress and of course the cap and gown. It was time for me too leave. My mother took me so she could take pictures and I saw my friends so obviously it was picture time. After multiple multiple run through a it was time.
This was it, this was my time to shine. (The whole week leading up to Graduation I had this big fear I was going to fall on stage.) I was the first one in line, the first one to step out and have the world see me as the 2015 graduates from my school. As we took our seats I looked around, I looked at the many faces sitting beside me. I saw people I knew for so long and some people I met recently and some people I never knew. Regardless of that everyone made up their own part in this graduation, or in this school. After talking for what felt like hours it was time to walk. (So I had a honor roll ceremony and rushed off stage as my name was called so my mom told me the night before not to run off stage for Graduation). Well my name was called, remember running off stage? I couldn't do that this time so many people were watching me people in front of me, it just couldn't happen, and honestly I was okay with that. They said my name and I smiled and took the happiest and proudest walk of my life on that stage. I shook our Principal's hand and took a picture. I then proceeded to sit back down. 
Once the whole thing was over my friends and I hugged and said to sach other "WE ARE FINALLY DONE." That's what you would expect from a high schooler who just finished right? Once we walked out of the building it was packed, remember the 500 and over students? Yeah that many plus more because of families were all swarmed together, it was funny because everyone was just yelled for their families, no one was suppose to have phones. So you would hear "Mom." "Dad." "MOM." Coming from so many directions it was a mess. The one thing I would recommend on your graduation day is take your time. Enjoy this moment because you will have to wait 4+ years for another moment like this. I remember my family rushed me after the ceremony to get food, and the problem was I didn't get to take pictures with everyone I wanted. I think that is one moment I was sad to see happen, so just enjoy your moment because that day will be yours! 
Honestly though, high school was pretty great. I mean of course my best friend and I fought every other week and high school sucked, but high school wasn't so bad. I got my first heart break there, I found out what I wanted to be, I learned who I was there, I met friends, I realized how to stand up for myself, I learned that I love writing and that I am sometimes good at it. I realized where I wanted to go to college, and why. I realized that I wanted to make a difference in the world, and realized I could be creative without trying to so hard. I realized you can't please everyone. I learned so much in high school, just like I will, and have, in college. I spent 4 years in High School and will spend more in College, but this is all my experience and I don't regret any of it. So when you get to your graduation, don't rush through it. Slow down, enjoy it because it will be a while for there to be a moment like that again. Look around and realize that you are growing up, and that you may not be with these people who had such a great impact on your life again. Graduation is the first realization that we are growing up, but don't let it happen to quickly. Embrace all the challenges life has to offer you and take everything in slowly and enjoy your graduation day.
"It's funny how day by day, nothing changes, but looking back everything changed." -C.S. Lewis

2015 has taught me...

Just like everyone, each year has taught me something different. I believe that this year has really taught me some things that the years before have not. Not only because I graduated and become a College girl or because I'm now in a sorority. I know that those do play into it but I think it goes beyond more than that.
1. It's okay to be average or to not exceed in some things.
I have had some difficult classes this year in College and my family and friends have taught me that it is okay that I am not excelling in that one subject. I have learned that and am fully aware that I am alright even if I'm not perfect in one subject.
2. To cut people out.
This year has been different because the transition between High School and College is difficult and I have definitely lost some friends along the way. I've lost people who I thought we would always be friends with. I've learned that you don't need fake or temporary friends, you need friends who build you up not tear you down or use you.
3. To become confident.
Every Monday I have to wear Pin attire for the Sorority and Wednesday's I have to wear our letters, and I learned that no matter what I wear I should feel confident and feel beautiful. I remember one specific Wednesday, the Wednesday after big/little reveal, I wore the shirt my big gave me and it was a snug shirt and I am use to big shirts now so I wore it anyways. I also wore skinny jeans and ankle heels and I felt very out of place because I am not use to stuff like that but being around my friends they helped me to feel confident and told me that I looked good in that outfit. Being surrounded by my new friends have helped me become a little bit confident.
4. Family is important.
Being an hour and a half away from home may not seem long but for a girl who has only been away from home is a week it's pretty hard. Every time I come home I know how important each and every second is with my family, and I cherish it all.
5. To be independent.
Being away from home has definitely taught me how to become independent. I have learned how to "adult" and have quickly learned I am best suited for the child life. I have been to the grocery store and have bought my own groceries by myself and have cooked some things. I remember that last year it was really hard for me to get up by myself either my mom or brother had to wake me up to go to school but this year I have learned to wake up on my own and not rely on anyone to help wake me up.
6. To stick up for myself.
In the past I have let people walk all over me and I have just accepted it, but not anymore. I have learned if I don't like something then I can stop it instantly. I had a friend last year who did not treat me right and coming into College I have tried to stick up for myself and with the new friends I am surrounded by I have learned that sticking up for myself is something important.
7. Cutting people out of your life is okay and sometimes needed.
I have cut some people out of my life this year and have not looked back. It is important to get rid of the negative people in your life, you just need people who will build you up not tear you down.