Monday, February 1, 2016

What did you say?

Annyeonghasaeyo. Can you understand what I just said? Should I repeat it? Annyeonghasaeyo. It means Hello, in Korean. Did I forget to mention I'm Korean? Well I am. For the past month I have been thinking of what to write about I mean the first post of the year should be good, right? I agree.
I thought, should I post about New Years? No. Should I post about Resolutions? No. Should I write about starting second semester? No. Nothing big or awesome happened, besides turning 19. Now I finally know what I want to write about.
I am a year older, a year wiser, and just the same childish and stubborn girl I always have been. I have changed and not on the outside where people can place the point in which I have changed. No I have changed on the inside. I've grown over this semester in college, I somewhat know what I want to be when I grow up. (If I grow up, I still love Disney so I don't think that will happen.) My hopes for myself have changed into things realistically and not realistic to other people. I believe and hope so much for myself that I know with hard work and effort it will come true. My inspiration has changed and grown stronger. My spirit and soul have grown wiser and helped me to understand things clearly and better. My ambition has also changed and has grown stronger.
By that I mean I have wanted to some things in my life and have pushed it off and pushed it off but now I am starting to slowly do those things. Since I was younger I always wished my grandmother just talked in Korean to me and taught me how to speak that language. I remember asking her to make the Alphabet and teach me words but she always said "No." Before I got let out for Christmas break I had applied to a Study Abroad Program my school offered. My counselor told me that I shouldn't hope to high because I was a week late and I was a freshman. I agreed. This week I got the email saying that I did not get in, I wasn't sad because I already knew. That only gave me motivation to try harder for next years application. On the application it asked if I learned any Korean and how. The answer was some Korean and by my grandmother. That is not the case anymore. My aunt started watching Korean Tv Shows on Netflix and has my mother and I hooked.
Last night my friend and I went to go eat and as I was sitting down I heard people around me speaking. In my head I thought they were speaking in Korean and had to affirm it with my friend which she told me no I was going crazy. I told my mom and she asked if I could understand them which would be good considering that meant I was learning, but I could not understand all. It seemed they were speaking the harder words that I do not yet know. Last night after that incident I decided that I wanted to really start learning Korean. So I went on google looking through so many cites and so many pictures and slowly am now teaching myself Korean.
Today after class I finished all my homework and decided I should write down what I learned. I grabbed paper and a pencil and started to write down the Alphabet, numbers and words. When it came to words I would write how to spell it then I would try and write it in Korean and then write it in Korean and figure out how to spell it out. I can proudly say that I am slowly but surely getting the hang of it and learning Korean. I can't wait to go home and speak to my grandmother and surprise her with what I have taught myself. I am very proud of myself and I hope that this inspiration and motivation keeps up throughout this year and my life. I hope to become ambitious and do things that I never thought of doing that inspires me and makes me better.
"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."

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