You don't want to be labeled as something right off the back freshman year, do you? I didn't think so. You may think you're "cool" for going out and partying every weekend, but trust me you are not. You are not cool for stumbling in at 5am and waking up at 7pm. In fact you are annoying. I just want you to know that you have a roommate and you have other people to think about besides yourself. Please be courteous to others, and to me. I have class just like you but unlike you I don't go to class and go back to sleep, I try really hard to get good grades and don't blow college off.
You will one day grow up and realize life isn't a game or party. You will make life decisions and become an adult. Don't waste your life by partying or don't ruin it by just one careless act.
College is more than partying and being young stupid teens. It's where we will become adults and our own person. It's where we could meet our future spouse. It's where we will meet our best friends and find our future bridesmaids. It's where we learn that family is importt, especially if you live away from home. It's where it decides your future.
You don't want your future to be a "I should have tried harder in college" life.
Wake up! Realize that going to parties all the time gets old especially since you are underage! Realize you have a roommate and you have people who are here to get an education. College isn't just for partying. I know some people who never party, which is actually all my friends, and I like it that way. In fact I have never gone to a party till the first week of college and Halloween and I can strongly say that is not my scene and I will not be going back anytime soon. My ideal of partying is Netflix.
I understand some people think getting beyond wasted and waking up at 7pm is fine, but I personally disagree. Especially if you have a roommate, it really bothers me when I have to study in the hall because my roommate is hung over. If you like to party and you're 18 and you already have a problem with alchol fix youself, change your ways and focus on your goals. Then when you're 21 and able to drink have small parties with you and your friends to where no harm no foul.
Please stop strolling in late and waking up late. Please understand and remember why you came to college, it certainly wasn't fm to party and get wasted enough to not remember what you did the night before.
A girl who cares about her education.
"I don't want to party my life away. If you aren't living for something, you are wasting your life away." Elizabeth Kaiser.
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