Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pep Rally

Yesterday on February 17, I was in our school pep rally with some other friends of mine. In our class there is two guards; red and gold. Gold is seniors, and red is newbies. I am in Gold, and our "theme" is Feeling Good by Micheal Bubble. 
In November a small group of girls tried out to perform in the pep rally to just do a rifle group. There has only been 2 times of being in the pep rally, in November and yesterday.
I was in the pep rally in November as well as yesterday. Yesterday and November were very different. In November it was a small time as well as my first time being in front of my whole school and performing. Yesterday though, when I performed the crowed was quiet and for a moment I absolutely loved to perform. I was okay with being in front of the whole student body, whether I did okay or not. I was okay because I had enough gut to perform at least instead of being the shy girl I usually am.
In a couple weeks, and months I will being going with my friends to competing against other guards. I can honestly say that I will be fine with it. I will face my fears in being in front of a crowd because I could do it in front of the whole school. 
People should feel confident no matter what. Nothing in life is so horrible we should always stress about. This morning I was incredibly stressed because I would perform in front of the whole school. After I was done I realized it wasn't that horrible. After you push through you realize the "horrible" things are infact the greatest memories of all.
I was happy to celebrate my last year, and last pep rally on the gym floor performing in front of people I have gone to school with for so long. These are the greatest gifts of all is to perform with these people I have became friends with over time, because we all love the same thing and strive to better at it.
"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."-Zig Zager

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