Thursday, January 22, 2015

What's a good friend?

Ever looked at the people you were surrounded by and just felt amazing like you guys were suppose to be friends theres a purpose to your friendship? Or thought well these friends have gotten me into some bad choices I think I need new ones? Here is how to find good friends to you. Friends are people that are your family without being blood related to you. Your friends are reflected all on you, it reflects your personality and they way of your views because you should share the same interest.
One thing your friends should do is build you up and you the same. If the relationship is about competing then there is no real friendship it's just competition. No friendship should do that you should push each other to become better and praise each others accomplishments and help each other faults. Another thing friends should do is laugh with you no matter what. Whether you are having a bad day or they are at the end of the day it is better for you guys to laugh at all the bad rather than not laugh and have your lives become boring.
I read once that soul mates are real not just for your life long partner, which is important also, but with your best friend. I am not saying that all friends should be best friends but it is good you think of them as being really important to you that they are, essentially, your soul mate. You guys click and have the times of your life always not just sometimes.
My friends and I always have fun when we hang out whether that being just sleepovers or going bowling and other activities. The only thing, to me, that falters in our friendship is that I try to hard to make everyone happy. That is not something you should do because you will get hurt because you will always try to put others ahead and try to make everyone ahead and make everyone happy that you just forget to make yourself happy altogether. I am not saying don't put friends first, because they should have an important role in your life, but if they stop caring for you and start putting others before you then that is when you walk away because you are not as important to them as they are to you. Trust me on this because I have been there before.
The people who are your friends are people that will stick by you no matter what. Even if you guys have fought and if you guys are still fighting and it has been months since you have talked but push all of that aside and they will still be there that means something. Your friends don't have to react and treat you the exact same way you treat them but theres a fine line between friendship and fake friendship.
Besides all of those things if your friends go through so much to make you happy, push you through all the hard times in your life as well as walk with you through them then you have an amazing friend that will be there for you no matter what. I read a post on tumblr that people say I love you in many different ways. For example, "Do you want my fries? Here is the rest of my candy. How are you doing really? Don't forget to where your jacket it's cold outside..." and may many others the list can go on. If you have a friend that does any of those or at least one then you should know that you have a true friend. That is how you know you have a good friend is because they prove it to you without having to prove it to you. Y'alls friendship should be tough and last forever.
"Friendship is not a big thing, it is a million little things."

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