Growing up everyone is asked "What do you want to do when you grow up?" Most of the time children have a different answer when you ask them because their life is always moving they are different characters each time. In High School every thing feels real. As seniors you feel you should have to make a decision now and stick by the decision for the rest of your life.
Lately that has been my problem, what should I do? Should I still go into Speech Pathology? What about Writing? Neonatal sounds Good! Fashion Designer, I love Fashion. I keep changing my mind when it comes to a career I want to pursue for the rest of my life. I mean common I'm only 17 not even 18 and you want me to go to College and pick a career I have to have for the rest of my life? Yeah that seems easy...... not.
I have always been told to go into the medical field because that's a perfect job. This year I have been told to go into something I will love because it's the rest of my life. Well I love all of those things and it's hard to choose. When I think about my future job I have to think:
Could I see myself waking up happy to go here everyday?
Will I get tired of this, or will it intrigue me still?
Will I like the people and environment I am around all of the time?
Here are my answers for each of these:
Could I see myself waking up happy to go here everyday?
All of these I could see myself waking up happy to go working for them. I would love to wake up and be Child's Speech pathologist. I love to work with kids and everyday the same kids helping them would be amazing. I love to write, Writing about anything and everything, and if that was my job I would love it. Neonatal is an amazing job as well, I get to be with premie babies or babies period. Who doesn't love that? A Fashion Designer would be fantastic because I love fashion and to make a new world of myself with fabric.
Will I get tired of this, or will it intrigue me still?
I think some of my answers in the last question go for here but still. No I don't think I could get tired of any of those. Working with kids, or babies everyday would be a fun and amazing experience to see the start of beautiful lives before they make themselves of this world. I don't think Writing would be a problem since I am writing now and when my english teacher has me write 4 400 word essays and 1 500 word essays in a 6 week period I can do it easily. Not to mention the million essays I have to write to apply to colleges. I think writing will broaden my view of the world as well as my imagination, meaning I could make a new story every day or further the story from the past day. Fashion would be wonderful as well because you can show people how you dress, Fashion is another form of art and you can express yourself in that way and let everyone follow their form of art by being a Designer.
Will I like the people and environment I am around all the time?
I don't have an exact answer for this but I have a vague idea. I think this is the question that means the most because I have different ways of thinking of the answer to this question. Yes and No. Yes I would love working with kids all day but some adults would be good too. Yes I would LOVE to be by myself writing stories but some time with friends and family is always valuable too. Yes I would love to work with famous Fashion Designers, but no I would not want their judgments on everything I do.
Growing up I was told what career I should do or what I shouldn't. Now I am getting told to do what I want even though I have these thoughts from growing up of what to do. I want to tell you to do what you want. Don't pick a career because it pays better or because your parents did that job. Do it because you have a passion for it, because you don't mind going there everyday and being with those people everyday. Be happy with your career and do what you want. Let your heart choose your career and go from there because it is your life and it is something you will do your whole life, don't let someone else push you into choosing you career.
"Don't think too much, let your heart decide...." -Mega Puji Saraswati